Part 35: Tonight, Iodine in Hell!
Last time...
...we got some new clothes and named our army.
And it was about time, too. As a brief reminder for those of you who followed my previous threads, by the time we hit update 35... Suikoden IV, we had just chopped off Snowe's head for the second time and were about to start reclaiming Obel. Suikoden Tactics, we had picked up Corselia and were setting out for Haruna.
...and in Final Fantasy VI, the world had frickin' ended and we had just finished breaking the game into tiny pieces by learning how to stop time.
I was not kidding when I said this game is long!
Incidentally, in maybe one more chapter, the combined size of the text files for my updates will break 1 MB of pure text. As a comparison, the Suikoden IV and Tactics threads in their entirety (45 and 60 updates, respectively) are just around 8-900 KB. I wasn't kidding when I said it had a lot of words, either!
'course, that's including things like tags and image addresses... but still.

Anyway. Suikoden V. Raja would say that even if we named it the Raja Sucks Army, but we'll let that slide for now.

I hope we all find this just as amusing in another 50 updates.

I feel you're full of shit, but Frey seems to disagree with me, because he nods and then the scene ends.

We're going to be putting off Lordlake for as long as we can, but before we get on with the interesting things, we'll do the usual rounds. Feel free to listen to the Raftfleet theme while we're working.

We'll see about that next time. Maybe.

I'm sure someone will be along and thump him upside the head soon.

Don't rush me!

But I don't wanna!

...on other hand, there are some very compelling arguments to be made for going to Lordlake right away... but no, I shall remain strong.

Along with Frey's new clothes, we also have a new, updated load screen to show them off.

He'll probably take his army across that revolving bridge. But if that bridge didn't work...
Everyone else has set up shop around the Dahak, which has more than enough room to accommodate them all. Boz gives us a little sidequest hint.

Egbert doesn't, but that's okay.

DoReMon: Gotta catch 'em all.
I kind of hate you now, Cornelio.

I had no problem storing all the things I brought!
And as promised, our storage is accessible from here as well.

I'm also a student in the art of war, but these past few days have shown me just how little I really know!
Lelei and Cius (off screen to the right) can be found just outside.

It's better.
Cius is standing to the left of the stairs leading down to the rest of the fleet. On the other side, we have Takamu.

Because he's literally Stalin, that's why.

Gee. Thanks.

Nah, we tried that a while back and it wasn't much fun. I want a castle on solid ground this time.

I love a busy city, though, so this is great!
Logg, just like before, will sail us around the place and we'll take him up on that soon, but there are some people we need to talk to here first. The NPCs have the same lines as before...

...including this idiot who apparently can't see that she's standing right there...

I've never even met General Guisu!
...but this is new. We can't recruit him yet, but he'll be sticking around here until we can.

The inn also has new guests.

Frey even gets a new portrait to go with his fancy outfit.

Sadly, we can't pick up these two until we find the wizard.

Even worse, we're still hours from being able to do so, so they'll hang around here for a long time, taunting us.

It was very painful, but it needed to be done. I'm glad I could help expose Lord Barows.
There's someone a lot less stubborn in the next room, though!

And then we had a drunk guy.

Norden walks off, bottle still in hand. He's a B-rank infantry/combat ship commander, which is somewhat surprising for a guy with a bottle welded to his hand, but not terribly exciting.

But I've saved the best for last. Oboro's ship is now docked in Raftfleet, and having gone through his entire sidequest in Rainwall, he should now be prepared to join us!

...if we could only find him.

How the fuck did you get here?! (music)

And I'll protect you.


I wondered where those guys had gone off to.

Crisis averted, the detectives go back to their ship, and Frey, naturally, runs after them. (music)

Oh, sorry. Guess I fell asleep. Must be catching bad habits from Shigure.

You really are a terrible influence, you know that?

Most importantly, however.

Here it is, the moment of truth!

And... we pass!

That's a good boy!

Hell yeah.

Fuyo and Shigure join along with him, leaving only Sagiri...

...who has her own reasons. If we're really lucky, we might even find out what they are, but that will be a long time from now.

Oboro's place has two functions, one of which I don't care much for, but I'll show it off quickly.

That sounds familiar, somehow...

Now, we can play Feitas with Fuyo, which sounds a bit like some kind of cooking show or something. We also get to listen to this music while we're doing it.

Feitas is about removing tiles; you pick two of the same, and they disappear, giving you a certain number of points. Most are worth 20, some are worth more. I don't care to remember which. Runes are special tiles that do... some shit I also don't care about.

More importantly!

Oboro himself does exactly the same thing as all the other detectives in the series. You pay a small amount of money, he disappears for a bit, and when he returns, you get some minor details about the character's past or personality. Blue characters are ones we've met but not recruited yet; picking one of them lets you research their whereabouts. We already know all of these (Sagiri is right there!) so we're going to be picking names in white.

I'm prepared to lay down my life for you, to make up for my family's misdeeds.
With every available character in Raftfleet recruited, it's time we made ourselves a party and headed out.

We'll be bringing all our newest recruits, and some other people to fill out the roster.

Something like this!

New recruits tend to come with two D rank skills equipped. We still can't go above C rank, but it's a good thing, in a sense - upgrading skills is expensive. I dip into the party funds to get Shigure a level of agility, but that's all I'm willing to do right now.

Also, the boots we picked up last time. Not too bad!

Then, we have a lot of other stuff to go through. Kyle is probably the best Magic Sword user in the game, and unlike Suikoden III, it can be very effective. The damage is calculated using your Magic Sword skill, your affinity for the appropriate element (so water in this case), and the strength of the spell.
[Element] Sword
(Each of the five normal elements has a separate magic sword rune, each named after the second tier rune of that type, so Flowing Sword, Rage Sword and so on.)
1: [Element] Sword - Attack gains [element] property; damage up 10%, Self.
2: [Element] Guard - Raises [element] resistance, self.
3: True [Element] - Attack gains [element] property; damage up 20%, Self.
Right now we don't have a lot of skills, but Kyle has an A rank in water, which means a 20% boost multiplied by 1.2 for the True Flowing spell, or a 44% damage increase when using the third level spell. Not too shabby, though a Power of Boost Rune would still be better right now.

The Raftfleet armour store has upgraded its wares, but we are low on funds and can't outfit everyone as well as we'd like. Instead, we'll just have to move along.

Haud is the closest harbour to Lunas North Woods.

We need Takamu for this, but at this point he doesn't have a lot of competition for the support slots.

It was exactly the thing I wanted to hear, is what it was!

Urda is waiting a bit up the hill, but we're thoroughly ignoring her...

...and heading for the top, where we first saw Logg and Lun. Here's a familiar face!

As with Oboro, Zegai requires a certain level of affection before he'll join. If you don't have what it takes, you get one point every time you come back after a new plot event, but if we've played our cards just right...'s possible to persuade him on the first attempt.
It's pretty easy to forget or miss talking to Zegai in the Sun Palace dungeon, and it's not entirely obvious what he wants you to say, but he'll respect you if you tell him you don't know when he'll get out instead of saying you hope it won't be long. Since we did that, we're all clear!
Zegai is as you left him; he retains his gear from the escape, and his stats are as before, strong but slow. We'll bring him with us on our next mission, since he hasn't had much time to shine.

Now then, it's off to the revolving bridge.

It's quite frustrating, as you might imagine! Of course, there's nothing to be done about it, since the bridge can only be operated from the opposite shore. But I wonder if there's not a way to disable the bridge completely... I heard that the inventor who designed this bridge lives in Estrise.
It seems we have our next destination!
Coming up... the most awesomest thing evar.
No, really. That's a direct quote.